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Agreement Number - Revision

Posted on by 95
I have a Field Service environment where when using the Copy Agreement function, the new agreement gets an Agreement Number appended with a revision.
Agreement Number: XXX1234 -> Copy agreement -> New Agreement Number: XXX1234-1
To my knowledge, this isn't custom work, but I'm currently setting up a new FS environment and I can't seem to replicate this functionality.
When I use copy agreement in the new environment it assigns a completely different Agreement Number (next in the auto-number sequence).
The only difference I can see between the two environments is that the 1st environment isn't opted-in to Auto-numbering, whereas the new environment is using Auto-numbering.
Does anyone know how I can replicate this revision numbering system in the new environment?
  • Agreement Number - Revision
    From what I was told Microsoft did away with the incremental numbering of the -1, -2, etc. and without custom coding the system won't function like that anymore OOB.  The only option we were given is the system will auto assign the next number in the sequence to the renewals. We had to alter our views in CE to see the connections now. 
    If you find differently I'd be interested in how its done OOB
  • barryjarvis Profile Picture
    barryjarvis 95 on at
    Agreement Number - Revision
    I'm still looking for an answer to this if anyone can help?

    The previously suggested answer doesn't do what i need.

    I'm looking for it to only append the '-1' and then increment this number *if* the agreement has been copied.
    So, if i have agreement XYZ1234 and then create a new agreement i would expect to see XYZ1235
    However, if i then Copy Agreement XYZ1234 i would expect XYZ1234-1
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Agreement Number - Revision
    You can use the auto-numbering feature for the agreement entity.
    You can refer to the following link for more information.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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