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Recent Items View?

Posted on by 25

The Recent Items view only shows 10, is there a way to show more?  Is the Recent Items an entity perhaps like the Activity entity where it is summarizing things that were recently touched?  It would be nice if it was so I could create custom views of the recent items.  


  • Leif_F Profile Picture
    Leif_F 2 on at
    Recent Items View?
    Hi LuHao,
    You say that recent items are based on the "Last access time" attribute. I do not quite understand this, since the "Recent items" is a per user thing, and it would need to be stored as a combination of the entity and the user to make sense.
    Furthermore, I do not see a "Last accessed time" attribute on my tables.
    Can you elaborate some more on this topic?
    I fetch the recent items by calling (POST'ing) to the endpoint  but what happens behind the scenes is kind of in the dark.
  • LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,844 on at
    RE: Recent Items View?

    Hi partner,

    Unfortunately, this is not possible.

    In fact, whenever you access a record, the last access time attribute of the record is updated. The records in the Recend list are the latest 10 records arranged according to this attribute of the records.

    So, you cannot use the Recend list as a view, because it is not an entity. In addition, it is impossible to increase the number of records in the Recend list.

    I would recommend you share this idea with the Microsoft team.

  • Scott Lindsoe Profile Picture
    Scott Lindsoe 25 on at
    RE: Recent Items View?

    Thanks, but not the same topic.  I am interested in where the Recent Items list is kept track of and if I can create a View from wherever that data is stored in Dynamics?  

  • ashish12 Profile Picture
    ashish12 3,077 on at
    RE: Recent Items View?

    Not sure about if you can add or remove than 10 from the recent list. But you can pin if needed.

    Select the pin icon next to the item in the recent list

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