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Is the Available balance as of Date working in Time off screen (D365 HR) ?

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Hi All,
 I was testing today the "Available balance" as of date in "Time off" form in UAT and observed that the functionality doesn't seem to work when giving dates in the past as well in the future. For example, I used the enrollment date of the employee (1st of May 2021) when the balance was 0 for all leave types:

Path: Personell Management >> Employees >> (select employee) >> Employment details >> View Time off >> Balances


Here are the approved time offs (the Legal Entity value was deleted from both screenshots): 


I used several dates in the past (e.g. 1st of June 2021) and future (e.g. 31st of Dec 2021) and the balances shown don't match the approved leave requests considered. 

I tested the same also in Prod and I got similar behavior. 

Is it anybody having similar issues? 
According to my colleagues the functionality used to work.

The only feature we enabled during the past months in both systems (and somehow related to this) was "Cross company leave view".

UAT product 8.1.4419.16043 with Update44 7.0.6060.112

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,

  • RE: Is the Available balance as of Date working in Time off screen (D365 HR) ?


    It looks like the documentation provided more details. Here is the documentation for the feature enabled.

  • Adrian.N Profile Picture
    Adrian.N 35 on at
    RE: Is the Available balance as of Date working in Time off screen (D365 HR) ?

    Going deeper into what appeared to be a bug, it proved to be standard behavior of the "Balance calculation" parameter available over the following path:
    Leave and absence >> Links >> Leave and absence parameters >> General >> ... 

    According to the documentation:

    "If you select Balance as of today, the balance displays the total of all accruals, adjustments, and requests as of today. If you select Balance as of accrual period, the balance displays the total of all accruals, adjustments, and requests as of the accrual period defined by the frequency in the leave plan."

    Setting the parameter as "Balance as of today" allows seeing the Leave balance backwards/farwards as leave requests were addded. Unfortunately, this modifies also the behavior of "Time Off Balances" from self-service screen, showing the total vacation days minus the vacation days taken in the past and not what was approved. E.g. the employee has 20 days of vacation from which he took 5 days in the past, while he has 3 more requested and aproved for the next timeframe. The system shows then as 15 days as available for vacation, when in theory the employee has only 12 he can request. 

    By setting the parameter "Balance as of accrual period" then it will be shown indeed 12 days as available in the Time off balance, however in the Leave balance the values as of Date won't change for the accrual period, which can be confusing. 

    Ideal would be a combination of the both parameters.

    Best regards,

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