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Dynamics Marketing bouncing e-mails

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I got a question in regards where the bounce messages are going.


For example, we send out an e-mail with an authenticated domain in the name of the ceo (, if the e-mails are bouncing back we dont want that the ceo for example receives all the bouncing messages in his mailbox.


So I was curious where the bounce messages go if I for example insert a from adress 




  • Suggested answer
    Ivan Maltsev Profile Picture
    Ivan Maltsev on at
    RE: Dynamics Marketing bouncing e-mails

    Hello, Mario

    Thank you for your question.

    Let me start from the basics. By design, any email has 2 From addresses: regular From, and so-called Envelope-From that may be different addresses.

    Every bounce-back email goes to the Envelope-From address.

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing product by default is configured in the way that the system will get and process all bounce-backs you may receive on your behalf.

    This is done by adding a special unique email address, for each email you send, to the Envelope-From header of that email.

    Based on your specific domain configuration, this address is either using Microsoft-owned domain, or the domain aligned to your Authenticated From domain, if you have configured Custom Envelope-From address.

    So, answering your question. From address that you may use for your email campaigns sent using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing platform will not be blasted with bounce-back emails - our system will handle those on your behalf.

  • Newmayer2384 Profile Picture
    Newmayer2384 2 on at
    RE: Dynamics Marketing bouncing e-mails

    Nya exactly! Thats what I meant sorry :)

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Dynamics Marketing bouncing e-mails


    I cannot understand you well.

    Do you mean that the from address will receive a bouncing message when there is a bounce happening?

  • Newmayer2384 Profile Picture
    Newmayer2384 2 on at
    Dynamics Marketing bouncing emails



    I got a question in regards where the bounce messages are going.


    For example, we send out an e-mail with an authenticated domain in the name of the ceo (, if the e-mails are bouncing back we dont want that the ceo for example receives all the bouncing messages in his mailbox.


    So I was curious where the bounce messages go if I for example insert a from adress 




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