I am new to Dynamics 365, with my limited understanding, here is my problem description -
GeneralJournalAccountEntry is the table that store posted transaction, it only store limited information that can be used for trial balance. It does not store any details related to the original transaction. To find it's original transaction, we have to find the relation between GeneralJournalAccountEntry table with another table. We found few tables with postfix "Trans" which can provide that details (VendTrans, BankAccountTrans, CustTrans, LedgerJournalTrans, AssetTrans, TaxTrans), however we did not able to find direct relationship between GeneralJournalAccountEntry and listed Trans tables.
As an example, GeneralJournalAccountEntry and VendTrans are related, VendTrans Table store transactions about Vendor related transactions and GeneralJournalAccountEntry stores it's nominal value. To join those two tables, we have to join them using field GeneralJournalEntry.SubLedgerVoucher with VendTrans.Voucher. Similar for other Trans tables. However this join is not sufficient, one voucher can have multiple transactions for each GeneralJournalEntry table entry and for each GeneralJournalEntry table entry there will be multiple entries in GeneralJournalAccountEntry. This result into cartesian join and incorrect number of entries returned.
Is there any other join or way we can get posted transactions (from GeneralJournalAccountEntry) along with transaction details (from Trans tables)?
We tried to lookup other old posts, but seems joins discussed there are not sufficient so that each transaction in Trans table can be joined to GeneralJournalAccountEntry entry, in other words tied to Main Account or Ledger Account. LedgerDimention field in Trans table is either empty or value zero or some entries point to module specific account not main account, so it can not be used to join back with GeneralJournalAccountEntry entry effectively.
We are trying to export posted transactions along with its details using custom data entity and hence we are looking for a better join. We are using Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation 2020 release wave 2.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,