i have created bpf but not able to see set active and next button on bpf in Unified interface
and can how can i change the owner of bpf? here it's but it is disable
i have created bpf but not able to see set active and next button on bpf in Unified interface
and can how can i change the owner of bpf? here it's but it is disable
Hi Yash,
Try deactivating and activating the BPF again.
Only this BPF does not have Next stage button or all BPFs do not?
Also, if my previous answer helped you, please click Yes under its title.
Thanks. :)
Hello Lu,
it's working but i am not able to see Next stage button on Stage.
can you know me..
Thanks & regards
Hi Yash,
Then we could search for BPF in Advanced Find and assign it.
Click the Advanced Find icon in the upper right corner.
Select ‘Look for’ as Processes, and select Category as Business Process Flow in the filter. Click the Result button.
It will search all BPF, find your BPF and select it. Finally click the Assign Processes button to assign it.
Hello Lu Hao
i have converted uci to classic crm, but i am not getting process tab under setting tab..i have check process under Components under customaization but over i am not get assign button for my bpf proccess
can you please guide how can i achieve
Hi Yash,
Could you provide a screenshot of BPF settings?
To modify the BPF Owner, just select it and assign it to other users.
Yes you can change the ownership of BPF.
Navigate to settings> Processes> select your BPF from view. There should be 'Assign' button on ribbon which will then prompt you for user or team.
Select new user and it will update the owner.
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