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Demand Forecast involving component transfer

Posted on by 225

Hi, I need some guidance with how demand forecast can be best used for the following situation.

FG is sold and shipped from location 1 and is assembled from several components all of which are received at this location except 1 component which is received at location 2.

Steps to reproduce issue:

1. Sales demand forecast is entered for the FG at location 1.

2. Planning worksheet is run with the demand forecast and it accurately suggests the required assembly order, purchase order and transfer order for location 1.

3. Actions for above are accepted and the orders are created

4. Run Planning wide open but no purchase is suggested for location 2 which has the requirement for the transfer order to send to location 1 as stated

Have I missed something in the setup, should BC be able to plan for location 2 based on transfer orders creating demand? Is there a way to set up a demand forecast for location 2? 

Thanks in advance for assistance!

  • Suggested answer
    Dallefeld Profile Picture
    Dallefeld 11,417 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Demand Forecast involving component transfer

    In order to get a transfer order to be suggested, you must have a stockkeeping unit for location 2 with the replenishment system of 'transfer'

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