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Sales Order Import through Data Management

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Dear All,

I'm trying to import sales order's through Data Management.

I had successfully imported the Sales Order Header data.

When i import Sales Line Data(using entity : sales order line V2)

i'm getting the following error

"Results. update not allowed for field 'Sales order(SalesOrderNumber)'

Results. Validations failed"

Note: Number Sequence Setup against the Sales Order is set to manual.




  • Suggested answer
    Tadas K. Profile Picture
    Tadas K. 20 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    hi, get same error using my newly created entity.

    "Results. update not allowed for field ..."

    strange, but it was what was written - the field is not allowed to edit. because of this validation fails when it founds the changed value of the field.

    you may dissable validation for the field. go to "Modify target mapping" from the entity form and uncheck "Call validate Field method"


    or you may change it from VS. open your entity, find the corrupt field go to properties and change "Allow Edit" to <Yes>


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    In the field mapping of the import of the data entity Sales order lines V2, make sure in the Mapping details (Map source to staging) the Auto-generated checkmark is active for INVENTORYLOTID.


  • udaY-ch Profile Picture
    udaY-ch 4,624 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Hi, Manikandan

    There is a thread similar to the error that you're into


  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Do you still have that field in your file or your data project mappings? If yes, please remove it.

  • RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management


    Even after setting manual to no, im getting the same.



  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Like I said: you should not change the number sequence to manual.

  • RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Hi Nikolaos,

    I changed the number sequence to manual and also removed inventorylotid from my file.

    When i tried to import the sales line datas

    "File contains duplicate rows, cannot insert data into staging due to unique key violation.-

    '0' 'Sales order lines V2' record(s) inserted in staging




  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    You should not assign values manually to this field. And you should not change the number sequence to manual.

    It's InventTransId which is used for all inventory transactions across the system. Just remove it from your file and let the system generate it for you.

    You only need to specify it if you want to update existing order lines, because it is the unique key for sales order lines.

  • RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Hi Mattguo,

    Thank you the above mentioned points.

    I can resolve the issue when i change the setup for number sequence of the inventorylotid  as manual.

    I have a doubt, whether i should add inventorylotid column in my file?

    if yes, can i give manually the values for inventorylotid?

    i tried manually by assigning some values for inventorylotid

    it gives me the following result



    Results. Field 'Lot ID' does not allow editing.

    Results. Invalid specification of Lot ID

    Results. Number sequence Inve_162 does not allow change to a lower number.

    Results. Validations failed


    What should be the number sequence set up for inventorylotid?

    Below is my number sequence set up for inventorylotid




  • Verified answer
    MATTGUO Profile Picture
    MATTGUO 22,317 on at
    RE: Sales Order Import through Data Management

    Hi Manikandan,

    I have two SOs, "001311" and "001312","001311" has one line and the lot id is "013541". Now i want to import line into SO "001312" and there is same lot id as SO "001311", so i will get the same error as yours.

    SO “001311”:0257.1.png 

    SO “001312”:0257.1.png

    Error: 1323.3.png

    When i change the lot id to "013542" in SO "001312", i successfully import it.

    Can you use one line to test to better find the reason ?

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