RE: Fixed Asset Import - Macro
Hi Kait C-
Thank you for your post. I've listed below the Importing info that can be found in the HELP file.
Importing asset records
You must mark the All-Asset Info option in the Asset Import/Export window to import asset information or make changes to existing asset information.
When you import new asset information into the Asset General Information window, an asset book and financial detail information will be created for each book if the following conditions are met:
- The Auto Add Book Info option is marked in the Book Setup window for each book ID.
- The Auto Add Book Info option is marked in the Fixed Assets Company Setup window.
To import prior depreciation balances, unmark Auto Add Book Info for all Book Setup records in the Fixed Assets Company Setup window.
We recommend that you import several small files rather than one large file. You also should import the information to a test company to view the imported results.
To import asset records:
- Open the Asset Import/Export window.
(Financial >> Utilities >> Fixed Assets >> Asset Import/Export)
- Mark Import and select All Asset Info.
- Enter or browse to find a location to create the macro in and enter a file name for the macro. The file name extension should be .MAC.
- Mark the Run Macro After Creation option to start the macro automatically after it is created. To run the macro later, from the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu choose Macro >> Play.
- Enter or find the path and name of the file containing the data to be imported or accept the default path and name—Asset.txt.
- Select Comma- or Tab-delimited format.
- Choose Continue to create the macro and import the data.
If a problem error occurs while running the macro that imports the data, information added prior to the problem does not have to be imported again.
While we do not have a mass upload disposal, we do have the Mass Retire that you could look into.
Recording the sale or retirement of a group of assets
Use the Fixed Assets Mass Retirement window to record the sale or disposal of a group of assets. You must build a new asset group for each mass retirement to ensure that all existing assets that meet the criteria selected are included in the retirement.
To record the sale or retirement of a group of assets:
- Open the Fixed Assets Mass Retirement window.
(Financial >> Transactions >> Fixed Assets >> Mass Retire)
- Select an asset group ID.
- Enter a retirement date and select a retirement type.
- You can enter or select a retirement code to describe why the assets are being retired.
- Enter or select a currency ID if the currency is different from the functional currency ID.
- Enter the cash proceeds, non-cash proceeds, and expenses of sale. These amounts will be used when retiring each asset in the asset group.
- Choose a spread option or accept the default option.
- Choose Retire.
Close the Fixed Assets Mass Retirement window.I hope this information helps. Please let us know if you have continued questions/concerns.
Wishing you healthy/happy days ahead.
Nicole Sutton
Senior Support Engineer
Microsoft Dynamics