Hi I tried to Setup the changetracking inside Dynamics AX2012. Therefore I enabled the changetracking on the databases I want and created the triggers in the related tables.
My triggers are set on the following table:
- EcoResProductTranslation
- InventDimCombination
- RetailAssortmentLookup
- EcoResProductCategory
- EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue
- EcoResInstanceValue
- EcoResAttributeValue
- EcoResValue
For all these tables I do have an update, insert and delete trigger.
since the changetracking is running I am not able tocreate values in the EcoResValue table. There is always a deadlock on the DB
The error message Looks like
Cannot add arecord in The base table for other value tables that each stores values of a different data type (EcoResValue), RelationTypeField: xxxx, xxxxxxx. Deadlock, one or more users try….
Any suggestions why this happens and how I can track changes in the EcoRes Tables?