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"You do not have permission to access these records" on Quote Products subgrid - Intermittent - NOT A SECURITY LEVEL ISSUE

Posted on by 59

Good afternoon,

I have a new, intermittent, but regular issue where by a user views a Quote record, but the subgrid for Quote Products returns "You do not have permission to access these records". Coming out of the quote record and going back into it, or refreshing the page (sometimes a couple of times) will fix the issue.

It's categorically not a security or access issue, as simply refreshing the page with no changes (sometimes takes a couple of refreshes), all of a sudden works. There is no issue 90% of the time, the records where the issue occurs do not seemingly have any specific identifying characteristics that would suggest that it would be an issue in certain situations. Records that have had the issue can then be seen again in another try without issue.

If it was a legitimate security or access control issue, then the issue wouldn't appear and disappear with a refresh.

The issue has only been occurring over the last couple of weeks, and whilst not happening all the time, it is still consistently happening several times a day (no obvious link to reoccurring at certain times of day)

There is nothing happening in the solution history at that time that would suggest service issues when the issues have been reported.

It has only been reported by one users, but with multiple examples. I, as admin, have seen this ONCE in the recent past (didn't investigate any further - assumed page load error), but have not been able to re-produce it as admin, or as impersonating the user.

The user's cache and internet settings have been reset and still experiences the issue.

Issue has been persistent for over a week.

Any ideas are welcome.

  • Neil Cotton Profile Picture
    Neil Cotton 59 on at
    RE: "You do not have permission to access these records" on Quote Products subgrid - Intermittent - NOT A SECURITY LEVEL ISSUE

    Hi Eiken

    No, I don't believe so.

  • Suggested answer
    Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: "You do not have permission to access these records" on Quote Products subgrid - Intermittent - NOT A SECURITY LEVEL ISSUE

    Hi Neil,

    Did you add any web resource to the Quote?

    This will cause the issue because it is loading web resource(just like .js file) and which requires some privileges.

  • Neil Cotton Profile Picture
    Neil Cotton 59 on at
    RE: "You do not have permission to access these records" on Quote Products subgrid - Intermittent - NOT A SECURITY LEVEL ISSUE

    Hi Eiken 

    Thanks for your reply.

    I don't believe that there is any reason that anyone else would have logged in on the computer, other than the named/affected user. Also, we have done a cache clearance, and a full internet settings reset.


  • Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: "You do not have permission to access these records" on Quote Products subgrid - Intermittent - NOT A SECURITY LEVEL ISSUE


    Have you ever logged into different accounts in the same browser, please clear your browser cache and turn it on in privacy mode.

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