I've been stuck for a couple of hours. I've got a pretty basic dexterity script that creates a temp table and then runs a report with that data. The script:
if not required (form TAS_SOP_Packing_Labels) then
warning "Not all required fields have been entered.";
end if;
range clear table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'SOP Number' of table SOP_LINE_WORK to 'SOP Number';
set 'SOP Type' of table SOP_LINE_WORK to 'SOP Type';
clear field 'Component Sequence' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
clear field 'Line Item Sequence' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
range start table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'SOP Number' of table SOP_LINE_WORK to 'SOP Number';
set 'SOP Type' of table SOP_LINE_WORK to 'SOP Type';
fill field 'Component Sequence' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
fill field 'Line Item Sequence' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
range end table SOP_LINE_WORK;
get first table SOP_LINE_WORK;
while err() <> EOF do
set 'Item Number' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'Item Number' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'Item Description' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'Item Description' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'QTY To Invoice' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'QTY To Invoice' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'U Of M' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'U Of M' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'Purchasing Status' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'Purchasing Status' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
set 'Item Number' of table IV_Item_MSTR to 'Item Number' of table SOP_LINE_WORK;
get table IV_Item_MSTR;
set 'Short Name' of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP to 'Item Short Name' of table IV_Item_MSTR;
save table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP;
get next table SOP_LINE_WORK;
end while;
if '(L) Include Logo' = true then
run report TAS_SOP_Packing_Labels_Logo with restriction ('SOP Type'
[33] of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP = 'SOP Type' and 'SOP Number'
[34] of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP = 'SOP Number') {destination 0, 1};
run report TAS_SOP_Packing_Labels with restriction ('SOP Type'
[37] of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP = 'SOP Type' and 'SOP Number'
[38] of table TAS_Packing_Labels_TEMP = 'SOP Number') {destination 0, 1};
end if;
When I compile, I get the below - the line numbers are in brackets.
Running the debugger in test mode, I have the below locals immediately prior to the report printing paragraph.
Can anyone see what I cannot?