Hi all,
Where mapping Sharepoint location to contact records.
That's working. The location is correct and the correct folders & files are shown.
But when a user clicks on a map an error turns up. I cannot find how to fix it, as it seems this is a core class generating the error.
Any idea on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getValue' of null
at Function.SharePointUtilities.openRecord (elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../SharePoint_main_system_library.js:1:68528)
at il.executeFunction (elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at il.execute (elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../4.js
at i (elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/.../4.js
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at https://elegast.crm4.dynamics.com/uclient/scripts/4.js?v=1.4.1597-2009.3:9:3070