When building Segments I want to make use of a custom entity that is related to Contacts. The relation between this custom entity is comparable with the Marketing List & Contact relation (N:N).
In Segments, I see this type of relation reflected in the fact that when building a query like 'Contacts that are member of Marketing list X', I can see in the builder that the relation is reflected as “Marketinglist <-> Contact (listmember_list_contact)'.
I have created a N:N relationship between our custom entity and Contacts but in Segments, in the builder, I still only see 'Custom entity > Contact' and 'Contact > Custom Entity'
How can I create a similar relationship such as Marketing Lists and Contacts?
Unfortunately its not working for me at the moment. I have a custom entity called "Tag" and it has N:N relationship to contact, After doing the necessary steps to synchronize the new entity for segmentation, I'm able to see the entity in Segmentation tool, but when I try to go live with it I get the following error:
"The segment query isn't valid, or the target profile doesn't match"
Yes, it does.
Does Dynamics Marketing support custom N:N relationships in segmentation already?
Thanks for your reply. Any idea when this fix will become available?
Hi we currently have a bug preventing N:N relationships to be fully used in segmentation.
We are working on a fix.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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