RE: Online Store Payment Issues
Hello Sergey, thank you for your reply. Yes I am using the LCS Demo VM hosted in Azure.
If I use the channel deployed out of the box I do get the payment frame loaded in page. However it does not allow me to enter values as it displays a message saying The service call is taking longer than expected. Please wait for it to respond or refresh the page and try again. On refresh I am taken back to the earlier step of checkout.
If i use the new online storee that i have created, i get the error message as mentioned in my earlier post. Below are the Retail Server and Online channel logs
Retail Server Log-
An error occurred while trying to send all bufferred output to the client. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Services.CardPaymentService.GetCardPaymentAcceptPoint(GetCardPaymentAcceptPointServiceRequest request)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Services.CardPaymentService.Execute(Request request)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.CommerceRuntime.Execute[TResponse](Request request, RequestContext context, IRequestHandler handler, Boolean skipRequestTriggers
Online Store Log-
Online storefront encountered an unexpected exception. RequestUri: Exception: Contoso.Commerce.RetailProxy.RetailProxyException: Exception of type 'Contoso.Commerce.RetailProxy.RetailProxyException' was thrown.An error occurred on server while processing this request.
at Contoso.Commerce.RetailProxy.CommunicationExceptionHelper.ThrowAsCommerceException(Exception exception) in I:\RetailSDK\Proxies\RetailProxy\Exceptions