I am wondering why I can not find the Add new Button for the sales team and Stakeholders Subgrids on the Oppurtunity main form.
Does anbody have an idea why i can not find this button?
Best regards
I am wondering why I can not find the Add new Button for the sales team and Stakeholders Subgrids on the Oppurtunity main form.
Does anbody have an idea why i can not find this button?
Best regards
Hi Elpibato,
The subgrid uses a default view “All Stakeholders” hence it will let you add only stakeholder connections.
1.Go to entity(opportunity) form and double click this sub-grid.
2.Change Default view to “Active Connections”.
However, the change will make the +New Connection button disappear.
So we will use Ribbon Workbench to make +New button visible.
This is the download page for Ribbon Workbench:http://www.develop1.net/public/rwb/ribbonworkbench.aspx
This is the basic tutorial of Ribbon Workbench:https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/develop1/posts/mastering-ribbon-workbench-2016
2.Add +New connection button to the sub-grid.
(1) create a temporary solution and add “connections” entity to it.
(2) Go to workbench and select the solution which we created just now.
(3) Right click on the +New button the subgrid ribbon and right on it.
Select “customize button” then again right click and select “Customize command”.
(4) scroll down to the “Custom rule” as shown below.
In this rule make “Default” field to “true” as well as Invert rule to true as well.
(5) Click on publish button.
(1) Click New Button and It will open a new window.
(2) You can pick any role or not in this page and click on save & close.
(3) you will see it.
Leah Ju
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