Prepayment invoice resettlement is not reducing the balance from the final invoice. Here is the scenario:
1. Create a PO for $4600.
2. Create prepayment of 20%. Confirm the PO.
3. Create a Prepayment invoice for $920.
4. Make a payment journal for $920 and settle against prepayment invoice.
5. Create a final Invoice for the PO. Apply prepayment invoice for the final invoice.
6. The balance shown in the Final PO invoice is $3680. $3680 is reflected in the vendor transaction form as balance against the invoice.
Here is the issue:
1. In the closed settlement form. Unapply/Reverse the Prepayment settled against the payment.
2. The vendor transaction form now shows all the transactions as open. The Final invoice now shows $4600 as balance.
3. Go to Settle open transaction form and select the prepayment invoice ($920) and payment voucher ($920).
4. Go to vendor transaction form. The final invoice now shows the complete $4600 as balance and there are no OPEN transactions to settle this entry to reflect the original $3680 as balance.
Please advice how to resolve this.