RE: Does "Relationship analytics and health" work only for sales' mailboxes or all users'?
Leco Lv Good point! And that was my first choice :)
So the things is when I was on a call with MS they told me one thing (that it goes through all mailboxes and show how has contact with the oppurtunity). I was confused because the documentation says nothing about this, so later asked the same person for the same in writing - and got different answer (that it only looks into the sales people mailboxes for statistics).
However, the engineer I was speaking with, was constantly providing me answers for "who-knows-whom" despite me correcting him from time to time like "from that I hear, it is for who-knows-whom, and I am asking for relatioship analytics", he was like "oh sorry sir" and telling some other things, so not I just feel that this person was not really sure abut it as that engineer might have been mising these two all the time.
As an outcome I am lost now - so I wrote also here:
The documentation says kinda clear that it touches only sales people, hence only their mailboxes in my understanding, but now after the MS enginner told me one things later another - I just do not know where is the truth.
Kind regards,