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Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

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I was wondering if the punch out catalogs can be achieved in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 utilizing web client. I find info for Dynamics 365 but no versions prior. Any feedback is appreciated. 



  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client


    it really depends on the volume of purchases in your procurement department.. In my previous company there were 3 people full time that would handel the requisitions.. Departements would submit their requisitions thru eRequester (with budget control of course) and the Purchasing Dept would than transfer them into GP as PO's once they were final approved.

    If a new vendor was required for more than one-off PO, the requester would send a new Vendor request thru eRequester to the AP Clerk, which would either approve it and have a new Vendor created in GP (thru eRequester) or reject it and direct the person to use another Vendor ID.

    I had eyed into the punch-out option which seemed to be nice, but unless you order 80% of your goods from the same supplier, I don't believe its worth the hassle of all the setup to get that working. In our case, most of the requesitions were coming from small suppliers that didn't even have a web presence.. The Admin department would order their consumables from a site like Office Depot or similar once they got approval for the requisition.. Since it was pretty recurrent and always the same items, they would just copy a previous (or use a template) requisition every month or so.

  • Amanda Jackson Profile Picture
    Amanda Jackson 40 on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    Beat Bucher Thank you! I am not sure if they will go that route because of the costs but I definitely appreciate the offer and will keep you in mind. 

    He told me that they did merge and there are two different types of software that do basically the same thing. Fraxion e and Fraxion Prime. I am pretty sure the difference is the punch-out. Prime can't do it.

    I appreciate your help! Have a good day!

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    If you need any help, I've been using the former eRequester product on premise in my previous company for many years (setup, configuration & administration).

    The support team from eRequester used to be a great team in those days. Don't know if it's still the same after the company was renamed (merged?, acquired?)...

  • Amanda Jackson Profile Picture
    Amanda Jackson 40 on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    Beat Bucher Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it. I talked to someone from Fraxion today. I have a better understanding on what they can do.


  • Verified answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    Hi Amanda,

    There is no "punch-out" catalog built-in to GP's POP module, nor with the Web client, nor with the Full Client. This feature can only be achieved by installing one of the many ISV add-ons for GP, mostly sitting outside of GP and powered by IIS to provide vendors and suppliers an external access to the system. ReqLogic and Fraxion (formerly known as eRquester) are 2 of them, but there are probably more out there. Check with your VAR or partner to get more details.

    Dynamics 365 being primarily an online platform, it is much easier for ISV's to write an add-on to 365BC to make the system 'punch-out' friendly.

  • Amanda Jackson Profile Picture
    Amanda Jackson 40 on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    Thank you so much for your reply. I will definitely mention this avenue. I am not sure if they are willing to move forward with more software but you never know. They have also expressed some interest in upgrading to 365 but we will see.  Thank you again!  :)

  • Verified answer
    Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Punch out catalogs and GP Web Client

    I don't know much but once saw this post where people were talking about the punch out catalogs for GP. Check this below link may be it will help you.

    And Also check ReQlogic Punch out they have mentioned in their documents using GP Web Client.

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