I am using Microsoft Access to Worksite solution in Dynamics 365.
I created a portal page that allows users to book an employee pass. However, sometimes, when an employee creates a pass, the pass is updated as inactive. is there any way to find which flow updating the record?
if a user cancels the pass using the Portal page, the "Modified by" field is updated with the System (refer to image 1).
Wherever the "Modify by" field is updated with "Admin", users complained that the active passes became inactive for these records (refer to image 1).
I verified all the Flows to see where the passes are updated with inactive status. i could not find any.
I have enabled the audit log in the Entity level. However, i could not find which process or flow made the status change. Could you advise me if any other way I can identify where the status is changed and which processor flow made the changes?
Thank you
image 1