In the workflow I am updating the owner of case record where I select service account.
But when I deploy as managed solution to next environment by workflow get deactivate and it's asking me the again change the owner as it's not matches so I edit and again select owner than the unmanaged solution layer get created. So how to avoid such problems while deployment.
Which is the best i idia to use common service account for all environment. How want to know how to setup service account for environments.
If your workflow includes conditions involving lookup records or attempts to set a lookup field with a specific record, the error may occur because the target environment does not have a record with the same GUID.
A service account can have a different GUID unique identifier in each environment, even if it corresponds to the same user account in Entra ID. For this reason, rather than hard-coding that actual user reference in the workflow logic, I would user a Custom Workflow Activity to retrieve the user first (based on username specified as string input), and output an EntityReference to the identified user record. You can then use the output of this custom workflow step (dynamic value) to set the owner/user reference.
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