D365 F&O: Report on Vendor spend analysis by ledger account
Hi Zvika,
According to the problem you described, it seems that the History by vendor transaction report (VendLedgerTrans) can meet some of your requirements, and the corresponding document link is as follows: History by vendor transaction report (VendLedgerTrans) | Microsoft Learn. If the History by vendor transaction report (VendLedgerTrans) does not meet your requirements, you can also look for the report type that meets your requirements in the left menu bar of the document, or you can use Report Designer to create a custom report.
D365 F&O: Report on Vendor spend analysis by ledger account
I think History by Account report could be a base for this report.
The challenge in trying to build such report in FR that a typical voucher can contains lines not related to expenses (VAT, reversal of receipt etc.) so filtering to show the "correct" lines is tricky
D365 F&O: Report on Vendor spend analysis by ledger account
Hi Zvika,
I haven't seen such report before. I haven't checked all available report recently. I don't think your required report is available. There would be an option to create a report using the Financial Reports (Management Reporter) where the vendor information is available as column.
PS. There is a specific forum for Business Central. You can access it from the main forum page. For F&O, there is e.g. Finance and Supply Chain Management separated. This was already the case on the old platform.
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