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How to create recurring Sub Task under a recurring Main Task

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I have a requirement to build 'To Do Management system' in CRM where we managed multiple level of Tasks and there reporting from Users. Here some Task will be generate automatically (Weekly & Monthly) and there sub task also.

For this we have modify the "Appointment Entity" & "Recurring Appointment Entity" from where Main Task has generated properly but, how can I generate sub task under a Main Task.

Please suggest how can I do it

  • Sakib Profile Picture
    Sakib 90 on at
    RE: How to create recurring Sub Task under a recurring Main Task

    In this way we can create the Main Task but what about the relatable Sub Task, can we create sub task in this way

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,961 Moderator on at
    RE: How to create recurring Sub Task under a recurring Main Task


    You can create relationship between Appointment and recurring Appointment.

    Then use below code in your plugin/custom workflow to create recurring Appointment from c#

    // Define an anonymous type to define the possible recurrence pattern values.
                        var RecurrencePatternTypes = new
                            Daily = 0,
                            Weekly = 1,
                            Monthly = 2,
                            Yearly = 3
                        // Define an anonymous type to define the possible values for days 
                        // of the week
                        var DayOfWeek = new
                            Sunday = 0x01,
                            Monday = 0x02,
                            Tuesday = 0x04,
                            Wednesday = 0x08,
                            Thursday = 0x10,
                            Friday = 0x20,
                            Saturday = 0x40
                        // Define an anonymous type to define the possible values  
                        // for the recurrence rule pattern end type.
                        var RecurrenceRulePatternEndType = new
                            NoEndDate = 1,
                            Occurrences = 2,
                            PatternEndDate = 3
                        // Create a recurring appointment
                        RecurringAppointmentMaster newRecurringAppointment = new RecurringAppointmentMaster
                                Subject = "Sample Recurring Appointment",
                                StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),
                                EndTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2),
                                RecurrencePatternType = new OptionSetValue(RecurrencePatternTypes.Weekly),
                                Interval = 1,
                                DaysOfWeekMask = DayOfWeek.Thursday,
                                PatternStartDate = DateTime.Today,
                                Occurrences = 10,
                                PatternEndType = new OptionSetValue(RecurrenceRulePatternEndType.Occurrences)
                        _recurringAppointmentMasterId = _serviceProxy.Create(newRecurringAppointment);

    Then You can add subgrid of RecurringAppointment on Appointment to show sub tasks.

    Make sure you also set lookup field which got created from custom relationship.

    Code is available in CRM SDK - D:\CRM Tools\Dynamics 365\SDK\SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\ScheduleAndAppointment

    Please mark my answer verified if i were helpful

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