I need to create an external user, as referred to on page 3 of the licensing guide @ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=871590&clcid=0x409
How do you create an External User?
I need to create an external user, as referred to on page 3 of the licensing guide @ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=871590&clcid=0x409
How do you create an External User?
Same problem for me.
And I am not sure to understand : We speak about External User acces, and this documentation say that "External users cannot use any clients provided by the Business Central Application Programming Interface (API), such as the Windows client, the Web client, the Windows, the iPad or iPhone app, or the Android application".
Doest it mean that they cannot use any tool to work with BC ? so can't open a browser and log in In BC, so can't navigate withing BC ? No Licence needed, but can't use any application or browser….No sense..
I have exactly the same question.
External User are described in the Licencing Guide for Saas.
And , we Don't know how to create them for Saas.
For On premise, we can change the Licence Type to External User, but when trying to login, an error occur.
with External Accountant Type, no problem when loging in.
So , For Saas, how to grant acces for External User ( like Customer , to let them access the Customer Card and some attached document ).
Exactly, this is why I’ve asked. External users are for onpremise. On SaaS license type is inherited from the assigned licenses in CSP Portal. Business Central licenses can only be purchased through CSP. Microsoft offers several types of paid licenses (users):
- Essential
- Premium
- Team Member
- External Accountant
- device licenses
The license type can't be changed on the user card for online.
Ok. On-premise you can define a user as external user by going to the user card and set License Type as external.
Nope, I am referring to this.
Licensing Requirements for External Users
External users are end customers and third-party users of the organization or its affiliates and do not require SLs to access Microsoft Dynamics 365. External user access is included with the organization’s internal user SLs. External users cannot use any clients provided by the Business Central Application Programming Interface (API), such as the Windows client, the Web client, the Windows, the iPad or iPhone app, or the Android application. In addition, external users include off-site vendors not on an employee-like relationship with the organization or its affiliates (e.g. IT help desk support vendors serving multiple customer organizations). However, external user access does not extend to the customer or the customer’s affiliate’s contractors, vendors, or agents providing business processes on the customer’s behalf or using Dynamics 365 to manage any portions of their business. In this sense, the customer may not use Dynamics 365 to provide business process outsourcing services to its clients.
Do you mean External Accountants? If so, you need to send them an invitation like explained here:
This is for Dynamics 365 Business Central Online
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