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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Adjusting the average cost for an item

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One item (we will call it item A), was partially received and invoiced in a single line PO. Unfortunately, item A was invoiced with an incorrect purchase cost price for some quantities. To reverse this, credit notes were created against those incorrect invoices and were re-invoiced with the proper value ( the purchase price for item A is fixed for the PO). The vendor account is okay  and our inventory G\L account is okay.

After invoicing the first sales order for item A, we have noticed that the cost of goods sold was incorrect as the system used the average cost that incorporated the wrong purchase cost prices mentioned above without regard of the credit notes and the re-invoicing to adjust the purchase cost price. When making a credit note sales invoice the system will not use the same average cost when returning the items back into the store, instead is uses the base cost price found in the item details form for item A.

How to adjust the average cost?

is there a need to make a credit note for sales invoice and then re-invoice after adjusting the average cost?

Please note that the inventory closing has not been done yet.

The following is the inventory model settings for item A:

Financial Negative Inventory: true

Post Financial inventory: true

Inventory Model: weighted average

Include physical value: false

fixed receipt price: false

*any option not mentioned is false

Item A's related settings in the item details form:

Setup->Price Update->Latest Purchase price: checked

Setup->Price Update->Latest Cost Price: checked

Setup->Price Update->Base Price: Purchase Price

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    B Bro Profile Picture
    B Bro 5 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item


    Weighted average cost contains history of all previous purchase prices whether it is purchased by some value or received as bonus item (FOC). If we close inventory and adjust cost price then weighted average history will be override by adjusted price and it seems that it is not practical.

    What could be other ways to reduce or to increase items cost price. Is it practical to return on hand stock by virtual return order and again enter the stock in system by making a new purchase order. In this case, the difference between returned stock and purchased stock will be compensated from supplier. Please inform, is it practical and applicable or not.


  • Suggested answer
    Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    On that form, switch to the 'Pending prices' tab. You can create a new record here, with zero price. Then hit the 'Activate' button to apply the price.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    I want it to show zero in the price tab on the right hand side menu of the item details window. I can see in this window costing versions adn prices for those items with inventory model std cost.

    Both, latest purchase price and latest cost price are ticked.

  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    Ah, sorry, you're AX 2009.

    So on the Item Details form, the 'Base cost price' -> 'Price' on the 'Price/discount' tab shows a value, and you want it to show zero? Is that right?

    On the 'Setup' tab of the same form, in the 'Price update' area do you have 'Latest cost price' ticked?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    Hi Guy,

    We are using the WAD weight average date.

    Yes, I adjusted the value to zero.

    The window is the item details one from Inventory Managment


    When I look at the cost on that window the cost showing is the previous one and not the adjusted one.



  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    Hi Vannita,

    Probably going to need a bit more information. Do I take it that you adjusted the value of some inventory to zero?

    Can you tell us where you are looking ('the item window') at the price? Is it when you are editing a Released product ('Manage costs' fast tab), or perhaps the Released product -> 'Manage costs' tab in the ribbon bar -> Item price?

    On the Item Model Group for your items, what is the Inventory model?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry this is not an answer but I have a similar issue and thought I should ask for some help here :).

    I have done the adjustment to the items (reduce value) and when running the reports it looks ok, there is not financial value for the items I adjusted hovewer when I look at the price in the item window the price has not changed. How can I get the price on that window to be updated, 0?

    Thank you!!

  • Suggested answer
    guk1964 Profile Picture
    guk1964 10,877 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    You need to reference the finical lot id see e.g.

  • Suggested answer
    H. Diab Profile Picture
    H. Diab 350 on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    I would like to thank you all for you invaluable help. This is what we did in our test environment:

    1) We adjusted all the entries with wrong value using the Closing and Adjustment ->Adjustment->Transactions, we did not post the adjustment to the GL (by un-checking the 'Update Ledger' option found the posting form)since credit notes were done against the wrong PO invoices , and Item A was re-invoiced correctly (this happened before the adjustment of course)

    2) We did a re-calculation for item A for the current period.

    now, the average cost is correct and the system adjusted whatever sales invoice issued (Cost of goods sold and the inventory account)

  • Adam Seaton Profile Picture
    Adam Seaton on at
    RE: Adjusting the average cost for an item

    It seems you have the answers you need now, but you might be interested in a blog on our website about the adjustment function - you can view here


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