Hi All,
I have a fixed asset which is acquired over some years ago and those asset are revalued with current market price.
For e.g.
Acquisition date - 01/Jan/2017, Acquisition Cost - 60,000 USD , Useful Life Year - 3, Depreciation Method - Straight line depreciation
Up to 31/Dec/2018 depreciation done. Now, total depreciation cost is 40,000 USD and current net book value is 20,000 USD.
The same asset is revalued based on the current market price as 50,000 USD with the remaining life years of 3. So, asset value 50,000 USD has to be depreciated for next 3 years (from 2019 Jan to 2021/Dec).
I have done the following process in the system,
1. Have done the write-up adjustment of 30,000 USD to bring the current asset value as 50,000 USD (20,000 USD is already in net book value). So, totally i can see 50,000 USD is my current net book value.
2. Then, I have updated the useful life years as 5 and remaining depreciation period as 36.
3. In depreciation profile, i can see the remaining depreciation amount 50,000 USD will be fully depreciated on Oct-2021 based on straight line method (System takes the total Asset cost as 90,000 USD (60,000 USD + 30,000 USD) and calculated the remaining depreciation amount 50,000 for total life years 5(3 + extended 2 years)based on the straight line method and monthly depreciation amount as 1500 from Jan2019 onwards (Initially it was 1666.67 per month based on 3 years 60000/36 , and now system calculate as 90000/60 for 5 years). So, amount fully depreciated at the end of Oct 2021). it has to carry the depreciation until Dec2021.
I want to take this revised net book value of 50,000 USD and need to carry the depreciation for next 3 years fully based on straight line depreciation method.
let me know, how we can make the FA transaction entry..
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