Hi guys!
I have a strange requirement here:
- accounts can be associated to one area (lookup on account) and multiple skills (1-n relationship between accounts and skills)
- salespersons can be associated to multiple areas (1-n relationship between systemusers and areas) and multiple skills (1-n relationship between systemusers and skills)
Salespersons should only see accounts with areas and skills that they can handle.
We are exploring two solutions:
1) Add a custom plugin on the retrievemultiple message of the account entity and only return accounts that matches the calling user
2) Create one access team for every combination of areas and skills (in this case we have almost 100 areas times 150 skills = 15000 access teams) and, where a new account is created, share the account with the correct access team.
What do you think will be the best solution in terms of performances?
If we proceed with the custom plugin on the retrivemultiple, do you think we could have problems in terms of security on what users can do in the system?
Thank you!