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Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

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Hello Marketing Experts,

Our subscription pages will be hosted in Umbraco CMS. Regarding this, I have the questions below.

1. Do we need to use form capture for the pages to be integrated in CRM 365 Marketing?

2. In reference to #1, if this is not possible then is there any other way?

3. How to include unsubscribe link in the subscription page?

4. How does unsubscribe work in general?



  • Jolas365 Profile Picture
    Jolas365 235 on at
    RE: Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

    Hello Clofly,

    Thank you very much for enlightening me on this important issue.



  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

    Hi Jolas365,

    Here is the process that how do customers unsubscribe from lists:

    Customers will be removed from the subscription list after they unchecked the corresponding checkbox on the form and clicked submit button.

    As per my understanding, I am afraid that the functionality couldn't be achieved: instead of the process I described, contacts unsubscribe by checking checkboxes and then submitting "Unsubscribe" button. Because currently in Dynamics Marketing, it uses unchecking a checkbox to represent unsubscribing action, this default process is not supported to customize.

    For the second question: the respective contact record will be disassociated with the list after unchecking the checkbox and submitting the form, while the contact itself will be kept in the system.

    You could also refer to description of documentation about how does subscription center form work:

    Set up and manage marketing forms for use in marketing pages (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

    • Subscription form: Provides fields where contacts can view and edit their contact details, and shows a collection of mailing lists (with check boxes) where the contact can add or remove subscriptions. When the form is submitted, all contact fields are updated to match the submission, and the contact is removed from all lists where the check box is cleared and added to all lists where the check box is selected. A subscription form only modifies existing contacts, and never creates new ones.

    Please kindly correct me if I had misunderstood your requirement.



  • Jolas365 Profile Picture
    Jolas365 235 on at
    RE: Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

    Hello Clofly,

    Our requirement for unsubscribing are listed below:

    Customer clicks in the newsletter on an unsubscribe button or link

    Customer will be removed from subscription list in COMET

    Customer will be redirected on confirmation page.

    So the Do not email checkbox will not be used. What we will use instead is "Unsubscribe" button.

    Is there specific configuration to have such button be placed in the newsletter form or will it require some programming?

    Also, by clicking the Unsubscribe button, how is the respective Contact record deleted in the system?



  • Jolas365 Profile Picture
    Jolas365 235 on at
    RE: Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

    Hello Clofly,

    Thank you very much! Your vast knowledge in the Marketing app is really awesome.



  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Marketing Pages Hosted in External CMS

    Hi Jolas365,

    1. Either embedded marketing form or captured form can be used for external CMS, while the first solution is more recommended, because it supports custom subscription center functionality.

    You can refer to table in following documentation for comparison between those two types forms. 

    Embed forms on external websites (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

    2. As I answered in question 1, it is possible and there is two ways, however, due to you subscription page is required to be hosted in an external website, thus the embedded form would be the only option.

    3 and 4:


    You need to have access to domain which is used to link to page in Umbraco CMS. 

    If the page is hosted on public domain of the CMS provider(, then the whole process couldn't be achieved.

    In other word, Umbraco should give you ability to bind you own domain to its page.(

    So please make sure to meet this most important requirement.

    step 1: Authenticate your domain in Marketing application.

    Domain authentication (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

    step 2: Create a subscription center type marketing form, add "Do not email" field and subscription lists to the form, after going live it, create a new form page record in Form hosting tab.

    Set up a subscription center (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

    step 3: In the new form page record, copy the automatically generated script.

    step 4: Paste the script to Umbraco CMS page.

    step 5: Create a new content settings record, set Subscription center field to the URL of "customer portal" page.

    step 6: Before going live a new customer journey, set Content settings field(in General tab) to the new custom content settings.

    step 7(final): Contacts will be navigated to your own subscription center page after they clicking the subscription link in email, then they can manage their subscription by checking/unchecking subscription lists checkboxes.

    Note: Please run a simple customer journey to test subscription center instead of "test send".(But "send now" is ok.)

    In a word, contacts unsubscribe by checking the "Do not email" field of the subscription center form, and since then marketing email will no longer be delivered to them.



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