I have a customer that is in the middle of upgrading from GP 2010 to GP 18.2. They have a currency (USD) setup that isn't assigned to any companies, and none of the companies have access in Multicurrency access window. It has ISO code USD assigned to it. Z-US$ is the functional currency assigned for most of the companies. However, it doesn't have an ISO code assigned to it. For the test upgrade, I assigned ZUS as the ISO code for the Z-US$ currency, because I didn't want to have a duplicate ISO code as they are going to add web services for workflow. They went from having MR legacy companies (without the -curr) to the latest version of MR 2012 with legacy companies (-curr), and the data mart.
The customer has decided that they would like USD as the ISO code for Z-US. I could switch them in the Currency Setup window, but I am not sure if the test transactions will have the ISO code ZUS associated with them, and if it will impact MR. Because of this, I need to know if I can just switch the codes, and not have to do anything else in GP (such as a checklinks), or if there are steps to correctly switch the ISO code when there have been transactions associated with the currency that has the existing ISO code set.