my problem is that I want to have a dataMember to be ommitted if a certain condition is verified, so I can't just use true or false in SysOperationControlVisibility() since it's variable, i tried using a vaible, calling a bollean method, using if condition but it always returns an error like a parathese is missing (which i verified multiple times that it wasn't the case).
This is my code:
public void contactExist(boolean _exist)
primaryContactExist = true;
primaryContactExist = false;
[DataMemberAttribute("Contacts"), SysOperationControlVisibility(primaryContactExist),
AifCollectionType("_contactsResponse", Types::Class, classStr(MAN_HMCVendTableContactsResponse)),// Line
AifCollectionType("return", Types::Class, classStr(MAN_HMCVendTableContactsResponse))]//Line
public List parmContacts(List _contactsResponse = contactsResponse)
contactsResponse = _contactsResponse;
return contactsResponse;
and I couldn't use if else for this dataMember like I mentioned before, any ideas please?