Hej, jag gjorde ett fel och nu behöver jag rätta ingåendebalanser på 2025 och därför har jag frågor. Hur kan jag uppdatera ingående balanser? eller går det bra att överföra flera gånger ingående balanser från 2024 till 2025?
Translated text:
Hi, I made a mistake and now I need to correct the opening balances for 2025 and therefore I have questions. How can I update the opening balances? or is it possible to transfer multiple opening balances from 2024 to 2025?
It is possible to run the Opening balances multiple times for the same year. Depending on a General Ledger parameter, it will then add correction to the opening balance or fully replace the existing opening balance.
Moved from Integration, Dataverse, and general topics forum.
Please ask your questions in English. This is an automatic translation:
Hi, I made a mistake and now I need to correct the opening balances for 2025 and therefore I have questions. How can I update the opening balances? or is it possible to transfer multiple opening balances from 2024 to 2025?
Based on that, I'm going to change the title from Ingående balanser/Finance and Operations to Correct opening balances.
Under review
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