Hi Everyone,
Is there any software that can convert the QR code url generated for event registrants using marketing d365 into image.
when we export the QR code using advanced find , it’s coming as link. How to change the links for 300 + registrants in an image format . So that QR code can be printed on the badge.
any suggestions.
Thanks in advance!
Has your problem been solved?
You can change the link to image with the function “IMAGE” in excel.
Please refer to my following steps.
1.Export the view to an excel in Advanced Find.
2.Get the excel and add a column which is used to load QR image.
3.Then edit the cell with “=IMAGE(https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=400x400&chl=&G2)”
The “https://chart.googleapis.com/chart” is an API, the following link show more details about this API
Create a QR Code with Excel (excel-exercise.com)
4.Click hold down here and pull down, it will be filled.
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