Your plan name is annual (which implies a lot of processing.)
An update was released for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 which may help you reduce Master planning run time that case. You can find this hotfix on LCS - KB 3159477.
Review the number of tasks in the Master planning parameters (Master planning – Setup – Master planning parameters – group Performance) the defaults may not suit your data.
The AOS Service can consume up to 50 GB of physical memory during the MRP execution. So it is not always better to increase multi-threading.The obvious recommendation is to make sure the AOS server is fully dedicated to the MRP.Try to run MRP outside business hours.
It is especially important to make sure no other tasks are requiring locks on tables used by master planning such as InventTrans, InventSumLogTTS and ReqItemTable.
Check for contention on the database access using the SQL job “DYNPERF_Optional_Polling_for_Blocking” from DynamicsPerf tool:
You can verify the resource available using Windows Performance monitoring: minimum available memory, working set for Ax32SERV.exe and processor Time.
Cache. tricky. generally I would advise:
System Administration > Setup > System > Server Configuration:
- Set Entire Table Cache to 512 KB
- Increase the Global Object Cache to 500,000
- Increase Record Cache limit for Table type transaction to 100,000
- Make sure all transactional tables belong to the transactional Table group
- Go to Master Planning > Setup > Master planning parameters: Set Use of cache to Maximum
However, the use of cache is often a serious issue for plans with large result sets. The work calendar cache may help mrp run faster for a few items and a short plan window but when mrp has to do heavy processing then it is probably best to go into the code and disable it.. While you are at, it also consider disabllng Reqtrans cache.
As a good practise run SQL update statistics at least on the REQ* tables
Most Ax systems are configured with incorrect Maxdop and Cost Threshold for Parallelism settings I,e silly default setting values that are too low and based on much order versions of SQL and lack of understanding of what they mean.. For batch processes rather than transactions a higher MAXDOP also makes sense.
Are you running multi company mrp?
Are you running finite scheduling/capacity planning? (it runs single threaded)
Did you delete the previous plan before running?
The Dynamic negative days parameter should be checked. The value of the Negative days parameter on the coverage group should not be less than the lead time of the items assigned to the coverage group.
Positive days parameter on the coverage group should not be 0 or empty.
To eliminate BOM Level as an issue =, run the Recalculate BOM levels batch.' Inventory management>Periodic>Bills of materials>Recalculate BOM levels".
What does your mrp history say?
Are you running across more than one AOS (possibly rp lpps between both). - if so then try it on just one. If on one then try it on more which usually would be faster. Don't run mrp with other users in the system..
Master planning”–>”Setup”–>”Plans”–>”Master plans.” After you select the plan you’re interested in, click the “History” button up in the ribbon bar.
If you see a record with a log, then click the “Log” button in the ribbon bar and look at the Infolog that was generated. Things like missing BOM versions or capacity scheduling errors will show in here.
Also look in the mrp “Session logs”. Select the plan for which you need the information, then click on Session log at top of form.
MRP session log -see the ReqLog in the AOT. On the Periodic sub-menu, where you setup for scheduling the batch process, is check box to 'Track item progress duration". The last date and time will also show on the batch that runs MRP when you have the batch set to save history :
Look in Sys Admin>Inquiries>Batch jobs. Open the batch you are wanting information on and click Batch job history at top of screen to see what it tells you.
For Master planning runs that never completed, or were aborted, or that are still in process, this form can be used. It can help analyze and troubleshoot performance problems. Master Planning > Inquiries > Processes > Unfinished Scheduling Processes. The Progress field shows two numbers. The first shows the number of items that were processed or that are being processed for the current item level. The second number indicates the total number of items that are on that level.
Good luck - I'm now going on holiday!