I'm trying to setup TFS 2010 in my DAX 2012. My company using one AOS which is Microsoft called it "Shared AOS Development Environment". Problem is, How to lock object which is being Checked out by other user.
I've read Microsoft white paper "Developing Solutions for AX in a Shared AOS Development Environment.pdf" and yes it is said with Shared AOS environment and by setting Workspace to Public, meaning everyone can check out object anytime and also check in anytime.
But what if we still need to lock the object being check out ? Is there a possiblity to do that ? I saw there is lock menu in TFS Team explorer, try to lock it, and also try to set Check out options to NOT enable mulitple check out by clear it, but both approach seems not working. We are still able to check out and check in any object while it is being check out by other developer. And the fact that if the last person try to check in object which already being modified, AX only return info saying cannot save because object in the server is newer, there is no options to merge it like what MSDN said.(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb385983)
Is there any suggestion how to lock objects ? Kindly help.
Many thanks,
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