Hi everyone,
I have to add two new fields in the form of LedgerTransVoucher that display the AccountNum and Name of both customers and vendors based in the Voucher value. So i added two display methods that return correctly the two fields but the ctrl+G doesn't work with display methods. I have read some posts that suggest to create a syscomputed column in a view but in this case it doesn't work because the table of generalJournalEntry related to the form can't be linked to the two datasources CustTrans and VendTrans (that contain the accountNum) at the same time. i have tried to make it work but it isn't possible.
So i have i want to create two new fields in GeneralJournalEntry (accountNum and name) to relate it to the form but i can't know where to insert the code that retrieves the data from custTrans, vendtrans and dirpartyTable( that contains Name field). I need your help please.
Best regards
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