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Send Marketing Email to Users

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I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I wanted to see if you had any ideas for workarounds.

We want to send Marketing emails to Users in CRM.  These Users are NOT setup or related to Contacts or Accounts.  

Is there any way to do this without setting them up as Contacts or relating them to a Contact/Account?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Send Marketing Email to Users

    Hi Stephani,

    Just make sure that To address is a valid mailbox, you can even fill it with a static value.

    (Or try to fill it with email address from a static entity record by dynamic expression)

    However, bulk sending could only be done by adding relationship between contact and entity, because Contextual entity options are fixed in assist-edit.

    In addtion, if you send marketing email with a static mailbox, then Insights will mistakenly regard it as a contact's mailbox in segment.


    Actually great123 mao's mailbox is not admin user's mailbox.



  • Suggested answer
    RajuB Profile Picture
    RajuB on at
    RE: Send Marketing Email to Users



    you mean to say that the recipients are not part of CRM and not any contact/account record and want to send email.

    Generally the To look field look for the contact record to select the recipient. but there is a system setting, If the Email address of the recipient was not resolved’. Like in case you want to send out an email from D365 but you don’t have the same saved in the system as a Contact/account or any other record.

    And it resulted in red cross like in TO field.

    There’s a setting for this in Settings > Administration > System Settings, under Email tab.

    You can simply flip the switch on ‘Allow messages with unresolved email recipients to be sent’ to Yes.

     And, now enter the Email address in the Recipient (To) field and let the email go!

    Is that you are referring?? 

    As per Dynamics marketing email it will refer the To filed look up record.

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