I have wrote a plugin on the creation of Account in Dynamics 365b trial version.
The plugin works at the server end.But I cant able to debug the plugin using Plugin Profiler in PRT.
When I debug the profiler,and if I attach the download log file then it shows:
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Unable to parse the OrganizationServiceFault.
Parameter name: serializedReport
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerUtility.ExtractReport(String serializedReport)
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerUtility.DeserializeProfilerReport(String assemblyFilePath, String logFilePath, Boolean isCrmDataStream)
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerExecutionUtility.RetrieveReport(String logFilePath, Boolean isCrmDataStream)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.PluginRegistration.CommonControls.Helper.ParseReportOrShowError(Window window, FileBrowserView profilePathControl, Boolean requireReportParse, ProfilerPluginReport& report)
Inner Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: File does not contain a valid serialized OrganizationServiceFault.
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerUtility.ConvertFaultToStream(String serializedFault)
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerUtility.ExtractReport(String serializedReport)
I have also tried Fiddler to decrpyt the HTTPS traffic.Kindly help me to debug the plugin in CRM Online