I apologize in advance if I am posting in the wrong area. Very new to the community and environment. I tried posting in the Power Apps integration w/ 365 forum, with no success.
The behavior we are seeing is that we cannot assign resources to tasks (bookable resources are contacts with the correct roles assigned).
We have signed up for the Project Operations trial and are trying to go through basic use cases of sales pipelines (lead>opp>quote->project contract) and when we try and assign resources in a project to a task (during bottom up estimates for the quote), it errors out with a generic message ("Recent changes you've made couldn't be saved. Refresh the page to undo your changes and continue working.Correlation ID: 436024ba-e0fa-44ff-8c8f-4356fb28d2c0"). We also see in the PSS Error logs that the task assignment cannot be saved because the roleid is not syncing correctly to F&O:
"Unable to write to Finance and Operations apps due to following error(s): {"Write failed for entity Project Operations integration entity for hour estimates with unknown exception - The value 'RCN-1111001001-XXXXX' in field 'Role ID' is not found in the related table 'Roles'. validateField failed on field 'ProjEstimateHoursImportEntity.ResourceCategoryId'"} Please rectify your data and try again. If issue persists after multiple retries, please contact your system administrator."
As a result of that error message, we determined that initial sync for "Project resource roles for all companies (bookableresourcecategories) in Finance and Operations dual-write failed as well with only the message: (A task was canceled.), AX import failed. The sync runs for many hours and then errors out. Even with the map running, we see the same error above (after adding a new resource to try and force a write).
We assume that failed dual-write initial sync and subsequent failures for dual-write when trying to sync bookable resource categories/roles with F&O are causing the issue. We have tried everything and cannot resolve it. Please help. We are only a trial, so time is limited. We are desperately trying to exercise the system to see if it will work for us before we make the significant investment required. We have made no customizations to any tables or mappings including dual-write. Out of the box implementation of the trial using their test data (org USPM). Other data flows correctly back and forth (customers, etc.).
We tried to submit a ticket to MSFT, but I guess they don't allow trials to get any support. Seems short-sighted, but maybe they don't need the business.