Enhanced company data is now in Public Preview in Customer Insights! Enhanced company data helps you clean and enrich your company data using Microsoft AI models and Microsoft data.
Try it out at: aka.ms/tryci
Learn how to use it at: Company data enhancement - Dynamics 365 Customer Insights | Microsoft Docs
The model uses AI techniques and the Microsoft data to standardize company names in a dataset. This allows you to identify any duplicated accounts and remove them quickly and more accurately.
The model then leverages Microsoft data to enhance your company data with additional details such as: address, phone number, email, and website. From here, you can create location-based segments and use the enhanced information to reach out to your customers.
For example
Input 1: Microsoft Acc
Input 2: Microsoft Account
The standard output received here allows you to quickly identify that these are duplicated accounts so you can avoid duplicated efforts downstream.
Use CI’s company data enhancement to improve your company data and improve your downstream processes leveraging this data. If you have any questions or feedback, just reply to this post, we will help in any way we can.