RE: 0x80044150 SQL Server Error quck find in view
Ideally, the query which is used to pull the records for the view to load is timing out.
Collect the platform traces and get the query that is failing tune it using SSMS. or increase the OLEDBTimeout . or that doesn't work use the below SQL query to update the timeout in DB
use MSCRM_Config
Update OrganizationProperties set IntColumn = '120'
where ColumnName = 'SQLCommandTimeout'
And, there is also a new Query Hint feature available in the online instance which I believe should be available in CRM 9. x On-premise as well-
An example of this using the Query Hint feature on the All Accounts view is below:
After clicking Edit Query Hint, you will see the below option to add a hint to the view:
From here, choose here options, click OK, and publish customizations.
This feature won't be available by default, you can open a ticket with MS to check this feature is available in your current version
Hope this helps!
Venkatesh N