I have a c# plugin, where I am using an aggregate fetch, and I have applied the groupBy property to a lookup attribute, now I need to retrieve the Id and Name of the group by records.
My fetch
In this SS, I have highlighted the line number 103 attribute, which is the lookup attribute and Now I need to retrieve this attribute id and name.
I have run this fetch through the fetch xml tester, you can see the SS below, here I am able to seen both values "Id" and "RecordsName". So like this I need to get the Id's and records name through my plugin code.
Hi Himanshu,
Here is a sample code for you:
var fetchXml = @" "; var results = OrgService.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml)); if (results.Entities.Any()) { // use the attribute alias to get the attribute var owerAlias = results.Entities.First().GetAttributeValue("aliasownerid"); if(owerAlias != null && owerAlias.Value != null) { // convert AliasedValue to actual attribute type var owerRef = (EntityReference)owerAlias.Value; var id = owerRef.Id; var name = owerRef.Name; } }
You can replace the fetchXml with yours and follow the other code to get the attribute you want.
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