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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Would like to increase the numbers of characters on a TAG (sscc) from 11 out to14 how do l do this?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

HI there we are using Microsoft Nav foodware program version AU dynamics 6.0 R2 and would like to make the Tag read up to 14 characters long?

Version below:

So currently our Rf units can scan the Tags or SSCC as follows:


Want to have it so the Rf units can scan the following:


how do we set this up in navision? and make it so the Rf can also read this as well?

Let me know if you need any more info?

Regards Chris.

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  • Suggested answer
    Alexander Ermakov Profile Picture
    Alexander Ermakov 28,094 on at
    RE: Would like to increase the numbers of characters on a TAG (sscc) from 11 out to14 how do l do this?

    If you are not able to write more characters into the field in the item container contents table, you first need to expand this field in the table; but, it might be tricky as this info might be transferred to some other places further during your business process and thus you need to expand it everywhere it is used, otherwise you will run into an error. Then, you need to make sure that you Rf unit is able to read more characters. E.g., it might be setup to read EAN13 codes, and you would need to switch it to the other mode; how to do this, depends on the particular unit model and is a matter of setup of particular model itself, apart from NAV (usually, for simple units you need to scan a special "setup" code in order to transfer the unit into a setup mode and then be able to manipulate with the settings).

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Would like to increase the numbers of characters on a TAG (sscc) from 11 out to14 how do l do this?

    Ideally, You need to go to relavat table and change the required field length. However please note that, you really need to check the related logic and dependent tables to increase the length in these tables.

    Better, you get this checked via developer.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Would like to increase the numbers of characters on a TAG (sscc) from 11 out to14 how do l do this?

    we define tags from the item container contents table.

    we use the tags in all transactions.

    What l need to know is where in nav can you extend the number of characters so the Rf can read and scan it?


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Would like to increase the numbers of characters on a TAG (sscc) from 11 out to14 how do l do this?

    Can you attach the screen shots here for following?

    Form - where you define your TAGs and

    Form - where you use it in the transactions?

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