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Details of the form submission (RTM) in the confirmation message

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Hi, I'm having trouble getting the form submission information into the confirmation email. I can't seem to access the data when I use the default trigger /Marketing form submitted/. I get the error text /Placeholder /FieldSubmissions/: This placeholder contains different audience than message./ when I try to retrieve the form submission information in the message as a list. So is it so that I can't utilize this default trigger for this purpose?
Here are the steps for the list I´m trying to create:
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Details of the form submission (RTM) in the confirmation message
    I'm afraid this is not possible with custom triggers.
    Only entities that are associated with Email's audience (lead or contact) can be used in personalized lists. Otherwise it will report the error you have encountered.
    However, for Contact and lead entities there is no relationship with field submission entity (real-time) nor Marketing field submission entity (outbound).
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li
  • Mhak1 Profile Picture
    Mhak1 83 on at
    Details of the form submission (RTM) in the confirmation message
    That was my first doubt, thanks for the confirmation! It's unfortunate that you have to do Flow and use a custom trigger to make this happen.
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Details of the form submission (RTM) in the confirmation message
    Has the issue been solved?
    Have there been any updates? Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions!
    If it has been resolved, can you mark the response as an answer?
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Details of the form submission (RTM) in the confirmation message
    I encountered the same issue as you in my testing.
    This is because the Marketing Form Submitted trigger does not have an entity reference to Contact.

    Example: The Contact created trigger has an entity reference to Contact and therefore passes the check.
    For the preview test, the sample data selected is the Contact.
    However, for the Marketing Form Submitted trigger, the sample data cannot be selected as the Contact for the preview test, because it has no entity reference to Contact.
    Since the audience of the email is Contact or Lead, the error you described will occur.
    If you would like to add Form submission information to the email. You can refer to the following image.
    This image shows the Form Submission name related to the target Contact.
    For Field Submission information, it can only be obtained indirectly through a particular Form Submission record.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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