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Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user

Posted on by 23
Hello Community,
i have got the following question.
I want the user to be able to open a page via click on a Field. 
If he clicks on the Field i want the page for contacts to open.
However i am setting Filter via Set Range so only certain contacts should be shown to the user. 
That is easy. 
However i want the user to be able to see the Filter which i have entered and i want the user to be able to change the filter. 
These should be possible if the user opens the page and wants to change the filter.
I have already found these functionalities in Business Central however i am not able to copy it.
What i want is this:
What i get instead: 
This would be my latest try
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    trigger OnDrillDown()
                        Contact: Record Contact;
                        ContactList: Page "Contact List";
                        Contact.SetRange("Reference Contact", Rec."Sell-to Contact No.");
                        Page.RunModal(Page::"Contact List", Contact)
I have read these:
Dear Community Please Help!
  • Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user
    @YUN ZHU @gdrenteria
    Thank you for your replies.
    I have found a solution through combination of different methods.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,522 Super User on at
    Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user
    This requires using the function in the Page to pass the value in. Here is a simple example that I hope will give you some hints.
  • Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user
    @Yun ZHU
    thanks for your post. 
    This seems to be the right way.
    However, now i have another question.
    I want to be able to choose an entry of this page and take the information and assign them
    to the Field.
    Now if i click on one entry i get directed to the card page.
    and assign them here:
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,522 Super User on at
    Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user
    Hi, Below is an example of opening Item Ledger Entries, I hope it can give you some hints.
    pageextension 50201 ItemListExt extends "Item List"
                trigger OnDrillDown()
                    ItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry";
                    ItemLedgerEntry.SetRange("Item No.", Rec."No.");
                    ItemLedgerEntry.SetRange("Entry Type", ItemLedgerEntry."Entry Type"::Purchase);
                    if not ItemLedgerEntry.IsEmpty then
                        Page.Run(Page::"Item Ledger Entries", ItemLedgerEntry);
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 4,646 Super User on at
    Open Page - with - Filters - visible to the user
    Have you tried coding the OnLookup event, or duplicating the standard ContactList page?

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