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is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

Posted on by 5,901

hi all,

Can you please let me know, is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS ?

3 columns i have in Visual Studio.




So, in report dialog, if suppose user select Dimension set = Main account+ Brand 

Then in report, COST CENTER AND SBU columns should be hide. Basically the column is hide based on parameters.


please let me know what to write on the expression for each 3 columns?

Please give me more shed on this.


  • Suggested answer
    Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

    Hi @rp@n,

    The requirement to hide empty columns is a little bit incorrect. What if the brand dimension in case if dimension set Main account+ Brand is empty for all transactions. Column still should be visible as it's part of the dimension set. I guess you still need a pass list of columns to be shown to report (could be a parameter in contract populated after dialog closed) with the list of dimensions from dimension set and based on this value you can hide columns.

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n 5,901 on at
    RE: is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

    not yet, i will

  • nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

    If the solution architect is telling you how to do the technical implementation, perhaps he/she can suggest how to implement it?

    In general you can show/hide columns based on an expression (like we see in your own screenshot). But your current requirement is a bit different. Since you are working with a solution architect, did you discuss with him/her about the possibility of using Management reporter?

  • @rp@n Profile Picture
    @rp@n 5,901 on at
    RE: is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

    yes i understand but our solution architect not allows me to create a new field  in standard table "LedgerTransactionListTmp". they told me to create a new 3 columns in Visual studio and make it as hide or unhide based on parameters.

    is it possible?

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: is there any function in Visual studio to HIDE EMPTY COLUMNS

    Earlier you wrote that you don't want to use a temp table.

    But if you would use a temp table, you could have separate fields for every dimension in the table. Then, based on the user selection on the dialog, populate only the fields that the user selected.

    And on the report, hide the fields that are empty (no value in temp table).

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