Here's a possibly silly question, but I was just wondering about Tradeshift.
It's a nifty feature that Microsoft delivers electronic document exchange, OOB, for (seemingly?) free à nd compliant with PEPPOL. I'm not all too familiar with it and although I've made it work, it's mostly been sitting in NAV and I haven't yet discovered a practical use-case for it.
However, at the same time, I think that's because our prospects and customer might sya yes to EDI but feel this new Tradeshift plaything is a bit too unfamiliar and daunting to mess with.
From what I can tell, it would make a very effective way to set up a simple intercompany to exchange sales orders in between two or more allied companies, without having to go through the hassle of setting up, encoding and subscribing to an EDI platform. Right? I assume (perhaps wrongfully so) that EDI is just a lot more flexible, but in a lot of scenario's, Tradeshift would work just fine and requires a minimal setup and virtually no extra license costs?
From what I can gather here on the community, there isn't a lot of activity on Tradeshift, except for the handy feature that Tradeshift also makes a NAV compliant to send PEPPOL invoices to government instances, which will be required somewhere in the near future, for EU countries. However, it's a lot more than that and I was wondering if anyone else has any experience, thoughts or perspective on Tradeshift.
Looking forward to your feedback!
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