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Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

Posted on by 20


I created a workflow which should send an email automatically to the owner of the task, when a new task record is created or assigned to the new owner.

The workflow itself is working, but the direct url of the task is somehow wrong.

The 'Record URL(Dynamic)' creates this sort of a link:


But the direct url of our CRM is:

When I copy the part of the generated URL "main.aspx?etc..." into the working direct url, I will directed to the record of the created task.

Basically this manually adjusted url is working:

I made a custom url field, which the Record URL(Dynamic) should be generated there and for the email I placed the custom url field.

Any advice how do I fix this? Many thanks!

  • David Choi Profile Picture
    David Choi 20 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Thank you, now I got the values of the columns in the database.

    I will try to change the url directly from the columns in the SQL database and see if the function "Record URL(Dynamic)" finally generates the correct url in the email.

  • erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,247 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Hi David,

    "ColumnName" is the field name, and you will look for the values i mentioned above in it.

    Please run this SQL statement to see the values;

    SELECT [Id]



    FROM [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[DeploymentProperties]

    WHERE ColumnName in (


    , 'ADDiscoveryRootDomain'

    , 'ADSdkRootDomain'

    , 'ADWebApplicationRootDomain' )

  • David Choi Profile Picture
    David Choi 20 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Thanks, but for some reasons I can not find the mentioned columns in the SQL database.

    Also when I try to run a query to read the value of them, It can't find the columns.


  • erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,247 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Sorry, i just got what you meant. My bad. You can change these settings in the config db.


    ColumnName values;

    • ADDeploymentSdkRootDomain
    • ADDiscoveryRootDomain
    • ADSdkRootDomain
    • ADWebApplicationRootDomain
  • David Choi Profile Picture
    David Choi 20 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    I tried both ways, make a hyperlink from the custom url field and hyperlink directly from Record URL(Dynamic).

    The custom field to display the direct URL in the record itself.

  • erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,247 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    But you say "I made a custom url field, which the Record URL(Dynamic) should be generated there and for the email I placed the custom url field."

    Why wouldn't you insert an Hyperlink as i described above? Populating the link into a field and using the field to generate an hyperlink may cause it?

  • David Choi Profile Picture
    David Choi 20 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Yes, this is what I exactly did.

    Some how the CRM url is not right. I don't know why.

    In the browser while I'm in the crm, it says "". I can connect to the crm with the same url.

    But the crm generates the url "crmserver01:80/...." for the direct record.

    Maybe because of wrong configuration of the crm url, I don't know where to check and can't find the setting for it.

  • erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,247 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Thanks David. Not sure if i understand what you are doing there.

    Let me tell what i did and saw;

    - I added a hyperlink by clicking "Insert Hyperlink" button

    - Typed the text in the "Text to display" box

    - Provided the URL in the "URL" box by selecting "Record URL(Dynamic)" option on the right pane

    - It showed the text like this;

    <hyperlink><name>[name i typed]</name><value>{[name i typed]Task-{Record URL(Dynamic)}}</value></hyperlink>


  • David Choi Profile Picture
    David Choi 20 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Hi Erhan,

    it sounds similiar, but I don't think it's the same issue. My code for the hyperlink almost look the same.

    I tried both codes:

    <hyperlink><name>Please click here</name><value> {Record URL(Task)}</value></hyperlink>


    <hyperlink><name>{Subject(Task)}</name><value>{Record URL(Dynamic)(Task)}</value></hyperlink>

    Both give me the not working url "crmserver01:80/crmserver01/main.aspx...."

    It would work when the CRM generates the url "", but it doesn't.

  • erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,247 on at
    RE: Record URL(Dynamic) creates wrong url of the task

    Is this discussion related to yours?

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