Hi All,
What is the difference between RunBase Framework and SysOperation Framework?
Why SysOperation classes prefer more over RunBase?
What Functionality are not present in RunBase Classes, which are present in Sysoperation Class.
Why Report Programming Model is built on SysOperational Framework which is replaced by RunBase Framework?
I know how to use them but I still have confusion when to use which.
I would like to know something about these Frameworks which not even available on web.
Before you reply to question, please let me your experience on this.
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Thanks Martin,
I have read about all executions modes, I am Just expecting something more on that from you.
I meant to say, you can enlighten some real time scenarios on each Mode.
A very detailed description is in Introduction to the SysOperation Framework, section Execution modes overview. What exactly isn't clear to you?
I have gone through the source which you have suggested me but can you explain about Execution modes and their usages.
Hi Martin,
Please follow the link below as I have created one new thread for it.
This is off-topic in a thread about SysOperation framework. Create a new thread if AX documentation doesn't explain the purpose of LegacyID sufficiently.
Yes Martin,
I have looked into that feature i.e Type hierarchy browser.
Now, can you enlighten the Concept of LegacyId as it is shown in Type hierarchy browser.
Why numbers like 0, 114, 19 has assigned with it.
Of course, it doesn't mean that all historic code was reworked. Use the Type hierarchy browser to find all classes inheriting from RunBase.
Hi Martin,
Are there any classes in AX 2012, which are still running on RunBase Framework?
If yes, please let me know.
To fully answer all your question would require a serious of blog posts rather than a simple forum reply. And most of them have been already answered in other places, such as Introduction to the SysOperation Framework, From RunBase to SysOperation : Business Operation Framework and so on. I suggest you read existing documentation first - just repeating it here wouldn't add any value. Then return here and ask specific questions about what's not clear to you (if anything).
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André Arnaud de Cal... 290,900 Super User 2024 Season 2
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