Hello folk!
This is my first time playing around with Media Type instead of blog and I'm facing a bit of a challenge.
I have two tables - Location Master with a Media Type field storing QR Codes and Sales Header where the QR Code is to be referenced.
When the Location is set on the Sales Header, I can use the Validate trigger to set the /Location QR Code/ field of the Sales Header by assigning the /QR Code/ of the Location record.
However, when the time comes to change the Location Code on the Sales Header and I try to de-reference the /Location QR Code/ of the Sales Header, I end up deleting the QR Code's data from the main /Location/ record itself.
If I use the Import/Export stream methods that creates additional tenant media records which uses up more space than necessary.
I read in the Microsoft docs that as long as the Tenant Media record is being referenced somewhere, it does not get deleted so I was hoping that would work out.
this blog here suggests that when we assign a Media field to another, then both reference the same record in the Tenant Media table.
I want to know how to dereference one of them.
Any direction is highly appreciated!