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Customizing the event portal

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We are trying to customize the event portal and have a few questions regarding the process.

1. Dynamics Marketing with PowerApps event portal. I need to download and customize the latest version of the Sample Event Portal that "matches the version of the event management solution". The Marketing application is the latest version. It is 1.35.10059.1039 in the administration settings. The sample portals have a different versioning, the latest being 1.20 (Feb release). Which one is the matching version between the portal and the marketing app?

2. I am assuming that for this setup we, need to follow the "Self-hosted custom event website" ( Is that correct?

3. The readMe says that Agular version 6.1.2 is used but the local version is 7.3.9. Which version is correct? The "ng build --prod" command produces an error : "Configuration 'production' could not be found in project 'ClientApp'."

4. When I try to browse the site from localhost I am getting an error: "There was an issue when communicating with the server.". I configured using the self-hosted instructions and added the localhost:4200 to the web appliations. There is a bunch of errors in browser starting with: "localhost:4200/.../1036.json 404 (Not Found)"

"Access to XMLHttpRequest at .... from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy:"

Anyone having those issues?

  • Suggested answer
    CRMJetty Profile Picture
    CRMJetty 3,508 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hello nikoleta,

    refer this article


    I hope it helps,


    Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365

  • Suggested answer
    Philipp Focust Profile Picture
    Philipp Focust 145 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hi All,

    Just in case anyone is still struggeling with the CORS issue, I'll provide a step by step guidance to make the Events Portal work from localhost:

    - Create a new web application on the Dynamics 365 Marketing instance (refer to: with origin https://localhost:4200

    - Go to your Angular project and open the environment.ts file

    -> Change the apiEndpoint to the endpoint from your webapplication, e.g.

    -> useRestStack: true

    -> emApplicationtoken: The token from your registered web application

    With these settings the requests are generated correctly, however you'll face the CORS issue. To circumvent this issue you must include a proxy in your Angular project:

    - Under the src\ directory create a file called: proxy.conf.json and use the endoint from your web application for the target option:

        "/EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/*": {
            "target": "",
            "secure": false,
            "logLevel": "debug"

    - Navigate to the angular.json file in the root of your application and search for the following code (serve...) and add the proxyConfig line within the options object, just below the browserTarget key:

    "serve": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
        "options": {
            "browserTarget": "ClientApp:build",
            "proxyConfig": "src/proxy.conf.json"
        "configurations": {
            "self-hosted": {
                "browserTarget": "ClientApp:build:self-hosted"
            "portals-hosted": {
                "browserTarget": "ClientApp:build:portals-hosted"

    If you served your project with SSL enabled, type

    ng serve --ssl

    This will generate a SSL certificate and you're ready to go.

    Best regards,


  • Jetj25 Profile Picture
    Jetj25 532 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal


    I have done the steps in the document to host a portal locally 

    I het the error 

    Cannot GET /
    when i try to open the local host http://localhost:4200/

  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hi nikoleta,

    It's glad that your problem has been solved.

    As you said, trailing slash and restart of portal are all required for final work.

    * Shouldn't the apiEndpoint point to the EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/ given that the approach that I am using is deprecated?

    In my opinion, "deprecated" here would be not proper, because "EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/" is used for self-hosted way,

    however, as doc of portal hosted has stated: apiEndpoint variable should point to Portal URL.

    The model in portal hosted doc indicated that Event on Portal is driven by Dynamics 365 plugins instead of new Event Management Public API.


    * Should there be separate environment.ts for localhost and for deployment to the portal?

    Actually in new downloaded sample website files, environment.ts is an empty file,

    while contents in environment.d365.ts and environment.selfhosted.ts are almost same,

    the difference is just that default values have been formatted for different deployment purpose.

    So if we can host a test website at local with environment.ts, then we can also keep it for deployment, no separate file is needed.

    In deed, environment.ts just make website works at local machine to let us make customization, when everything customization is done,

    the script DeployToDynamics365Instance.ps1 for deployment will only update modified files to corrensponding files in Portal, environment.ts won't be uploaded.

    Is there a missing CORS setting in addition to the one that I did for the home pages?

    I havn't event portal to test for you, but you can try to add http://localhost:4200 to site setting with this part:

    (not sure localhost would be also passed by adding a CORS rule)

    You could also take my anwser in this thread as reference to see whether it could help:

    Finally, please feel free to raise any question, I'll try my best to give any thought.



  • nikoleta Profile Picture
    nikoleta 455 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hi Clofly,

    Finally the localhost setup worked with the following settings:

    apiEndpoint: ''

    useRestStack: false

    emApplicationtoken: ''

    I had to change the localizationEndpoint to '/'. Otherwise the translations didn't work.

    Restarted portal after CSFR & CORS setting.

    The environment.ts file contains the following statement:

        * If you're using the deprecated Event Management Portal API then you need to enter the URL of your Portals.

        * If you're using the new Event Management Public API then you need to enter the value from the `Endpoint` field that you

        * get after registering your web application. Additionally you need to append 'EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/'.

    Shouldn't the apiEndpoint point to the EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/ given that the approach that I am using is deprecated?

    Should there be separate environment.ts for localhost and for deployment to the portal?

    Using the localhost, the home page, the event and the registration pages load. However, when I try to submit a registration, there is the following message in browser:

    "Http failure response for 0 Unknown Error"

    The logs show:

    "Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy..."

    Is there a missing CORS setting in addition to the one that I did for the home pages?

    Sorry for the multitude of questions...

    and thanks for your help.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hi nikoleta,

    1. Your understand is correct, web application is only required when we do self-host.

    2. Is your apiEndpoint property

    As the doc said, it should points to your portal URL.(Besides trailing slash, also add https as full URL format)

    3. "useRestStack" = false and empty "emApplicationtoken" is right because it's portal-hosted customization.

    4. In bypass CSRF setting, have you restarted your Portal to make settings are applied?



  • nikoleta Profile Picture
    nikoleta 455 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I changed followed the D365 Portal hosted deployment as you indicated.

    I copied environment.d365.ts as environment.ts but am still having issues with the localhost.

    If I understand correctly, there should be no web applications under "Event management" Settings. Correct?

    Instead, the "apiEndpoint" should point to the website binding and would looks something like

    I left "useRestStack" = false and empty "emApplicationtoken".

    However, the environment.ts file mentions using "deprecated Event Management Portal API" with those settings.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customizing the event portal

    Hi nikoleta,

    1. 1.20 is the version of sample websites, most of functions and modules are stable because it just calls event api from front-end.

    But due to every environments have been updated with 2019 wave 2 release, so the recommended version should not be earlier than 1.18.

    If your marketing application is the latest version, then just develop with 1.20 is ok.

    2. If your event hosts on Portal, then you should follow this part:

    Self-hosted is for external website situation.

    3. To configure environment with portal-hosted way, 

    please follow this part:

    The error indicates that it can't find proper environment configuration,

    please duplicate the environment.d365.ts configuration file located in the \src\environments folder and name it as environment.ts.

    Your local Angular version is greater than sample website built version, but it doesn't matter, Angular will do automatically adaptation.

    4. The bypass error should be http://localhost:4200,

    and in portal-hosted way, you need an extra step:



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